Polkacity 基本信息
In recent years, the world of cryptocurrency has witnessed significant growth and innovation. One such innovation is Polkacity, a promising project in the crypto space. Polkacity is a decentralized virtual city that allows users to invest, own, and manage different kinds of virtual assets.
One of the key features of Polkacity is its unique virtual reality (VR) experience. Users can explore the virtual city and interact with various assets such as real estate, transportation, and businesses. This immersive experience enhances the engagement and entertainment value for users.
The virtual assets in Polkacity are represented by non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NFTs are unique digital assets that provide authenticity and ownership rights. In Polkacity, users can buy NFTs representing different properties and earn passive income by leasing them out or participating in different business models.
Another notable feature of Polkacity is its staking mechanism. Users can stake the project's native token to earn rewards and participate in the governance of the platform. Staking provides an opportunity for users to generate additional income and actively contribute to the development of the project.
Polkacity also facilitates decentralized finance (DeFi) capabilities, allowing users to engage in lending, borrowing, and liquidity provision. This feature provides users with a range of financial opportunities and helps to bridge the gap between traditional finance and the crypto world.
In conclusion, Polkacity is an exciting project in the cryptocurrency industry, offering a unique virtual city experience combined with the benefits of blockchain technology. With its immersive VR environment, NFT ownership, staking rewards, and DeFi capabilities, Polkacity is poised to attract users who seek new and innovative ways to interact with virtual assets in a decentralized manner.
POLC 供应信息和代币经济学
Polkacity 希望构建一个与现实城市相当的虚拟城市,这体现在可供购买的 NFT 上。目前,玩家可以购买的 NFT 包括:
- 不同类型的出租车(从紧凑型到加长豪华轿车);
- 加油站(汽油或充电站);
- 汽车服务站(如洗车、租车和维修);
- 酒店、餐厅和购物中心;
- 迪厅等休闲场所。
每种 NFT 的价格都不同,从 1500 POLC 的紧凑型出租车(供应量为1000)到 105,000 POLC 的购物中心(供应量为50)不等。玩家通过每周支付的网络奖励以及额外的资产收益分成来收回资金。例如,一辆紧凑型出租车的车主每周可获得 60 POLC,每月还可获得出租车收入的16%;而一家购物中心的所有者每周可获得 13,125 POLC,每月还可获得购物中心收入的50%。玩家通过这种方式从游戏的虚拟经济中赚取收益。
此外,Polkacity 希望通过创建一个 3D 增强现实(AR)平台,将 NFT 和去中心化金融等几个热门话题元素结合起来。玩家可以通过 VR 技术享受虚拟资源。
Polkacity(POLC)是一个基于 BNB Chain 的 NFT 市场,旨在建立世界上第一个 3D AR NFT 平台,在多个区块链上“彻底革新虚拟资产的所有权”。用户可以购买和持有虚拟出租车、加油站和服务等,并通过资产赚取利息。通过持有代表各类资产的 NFT,随着结合不同 DeFi 元素的虚拟城市发展壮大,用户每周都会收到收益。Polkacity 不断扩大可用资产类别,现在还支持土地和基础设施。
Polkacity 于2021年初推出,目前已发布了虚拟城市的移动应用和桌面版本。2021年第三季度,Polkacity 推出了资产交易市场。未来,该项目预计将扩展到不同的区块链,并增加更多的 NFT,如邻近城市甚至大陆。
POLC 的发展前景和未来价值如何?
POLC 的当前市值为$295,304.61,市场排名为2308,POLC 的市场价值还未得到广泛认可;当牛市到来时,POLC 的市值可能会出现较大增长潜力。
作为一种具有创新加密货币技术和新颖应用场景的新型货币,POLC 具有广阔的市场潜力和发展空间,POLC 的独特性和趣味性可能会吸引特定群体的关注,从而推动其市值上升。
POLC 值得投资或持有一段时间吗?如何从加密交易所购买 POLC?
如何通过其他方式获取 Polkacity?
Polkacity 有什么用,如何使用 Polkacity?