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Tether USDt 價格

泰達幣 價格USDT

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您今天對 泰達幣 感覺如何?


泰達幣 今日價格

泰達幣 的即時價格是今天每 (USDT / TWD) NT$33.13,目前市值為 NT$4.78T TWD。24 小時交易量為 NT$1.96T TWD。USDT 至 TWD 的價格為即時更新。泰達幣 在過去 24 小時內的變化為 -0.01%。其流通供應量為 144,170,980,000 。

USDT 的最高價格是多少?

USDT 的歷史最高價(ATH)為 NT$40.27,於 2015-02-25 錄得。

USDT 的最低價格是多少?

USDT 的歷史最低價(ATL)為 NT$18.83,於 2015-03-02 錄得。
計算 Tether USDt 收益

泰達幣 價格預測

USDT 在 2026 的價格是多少?

根據 USDT 的歷史價格表現預測模型,預計 USDT 的價格將在 2026 達到 NT$31.34

USDT 在 2031 的價格是多少?

2031,USDT 的價格預計將上漲 +33.00%。 到 2031 底,預計 USDT 的價格將達到 NT$46.66,累計投資報酬率為 +40.81%。

泰達幣 價格歷史(TWD)

過去一年,泰達幣 價格上漲了 +0.02%。在此期間, 兌 TWD 的最高價格為 NT$33.24, 兌 TWD 的最低價格為 NT$33.03。
時間漲跌幅(%)漲跌幅(%)最低價相應時間內 {0} 的最低價。最高價 最高價
全部時間+0.01%NT$18.83(2015-03-02, 10 年前 )NT$40.27(2015-02-25, 10 年前 )

泰達幣 市場資訊

泰達幣 市值走勢圖


泰達幣 持幣

泰達幣 持幣分布矩陣

  • 地址餘額(USDT)
  • 地址數量
  • 地址佔比(%)
  • 持幣量與持幣價值(USDT | USD)
  • 持幣量佔比(%)
  • 0-10 USDT
  • 3.31M
  • 46.39%
  • 4.9M USDT
  • 0.01%
  • 10-100 USDT
  • 2.31M
  • 32.33%
  • 93.05M USDT
  • 0.12%
  • 100-1000 USDT
  • 1.15M
  • 16.19%
  • 351.69M USDT
  • 0.46%
  • 1000-10000 USDT
  • 264.73K
  • 3.71%
  • 676.33M USDT
  • 0.89%
  • 10000-100000 USDT
  • 71.62K
  • 1.00%
  • 2.31B USDT
  • 3.03%
  • 100000-1000000 USDT
  • 22.44K
  • 0.31%
  • 6.57B USDT
  • 8.62%
  • 1000000-10000000 USDT
  • 3.85K
  • 0.05%
  • 9.72B USDT
  • 12.75%
  • 10000000-100000000 USDT
  • 375
  • 0.01%
  • 8.78B USDT
  • 11.52%
  • 100000000-1000000000 USDT
  • 39
  • 0.00%
  • 13.9B USDT
  • 18.23%
  • >1000000000 USDT
  • 9
  • 0.00%
  • 33.82B USDT
  • 44.37%
  • 泰達幣 持幣分布集中度


    泰達幣 地址持有時長分布


    泰達幣 評級

    100 筆評分

    泰達幣 (USDT) 簡介

    什麼是 Tether 呢?


    Tether 背後的概念其實很簡單:在市場上流通的每一單位的 TetherUSDT 背後的公司 Tether Ltd. 就應該持有 1 美元的儲備金。它和美元保持 1:1 掛鉤,意味著在理論上來說,任何 Tether 的持有者都應該可以將其 USDT 兌換成等值的美元。

    2023 6 月時,由於 Curve 3Pool 流動性失衡,Tether USDT 穩定性出現了小幅度的脫鉤。雖然當時價格跌到了 0.996 美元,但當天稍晚 USDT 價格就恢復回 0.999 美元。


    原始白皮書 f


    Tether 是如何運作的呢?

    Tether 剛開始是在比特幣區塊鏈上推出的,但之後經歷了明顯的成長發展。身為數位代幣,它現在存在於 12 個知名的主要區塊鏈上,包含但不限於 AlgorandAvalancheBitcoin Cash’s Simple Ledger ProtocolSLP)、EthereumEOSLiquid NetworkOmniPolygonTezosTronSolanaStatemine.

    區塊鏈帳本和 Tether 的中心化

    和加密貨幣類似的是,所有的 Tether 交易紀錄都透明地記在區塊鏈上。這個去中心化的分類帳本會仔細地追蹤所有交易歷史紀錄,並且可以公開給大眾瀏覽。然而,值得注意的是,Tether 的特殊之處在於,它其實是一種中心化的穩定幣。它的供應量和營運都是由 Tether Ltd. 獨家管理的。

    透過提供可靠且透明的穩定幣,Tether 持續地在廣大的加密貨幣生態系中扮演著重要的角色。

    Tether 的價格是由什麼決定的呢?

    對於參與加密貨幣市場的所有人來說,了解那些決定了目前 Tether 價格的因素是非常重要的。TetherUSDT)通常被稱為穩定幣,致力於和美元保持 1:1 的掛鉤。從理論上來說,這種 1:1 的掛鉤背後是由負責 USDT 的公司 Tether Ltd. 所持有的儲備金支持的。

    影響 Tether 價格穩定性的因素

    然而,Tether 1:1 掛鉤的穩定性可能會受到多種因素的影響,包含市場情緒、流動性失衡,以及加密貨幣生態系的整體健康情況。例如:2023 6 月時,由於 Curve 3Pool 流動性失衡,Tether 美元價格經歷了輕微的脫鉤。USDT 的價格跌到了 0.996 美元後回升,影響了 Tether 的歷史價格紀錄。


    Tether 價格數據通常可以作為市場參與者對於穩定幣的信任程度的指標。當 Tether 維持 1:1 的掛鉤時,就代表說資金的流入和流出處於平衡狀態。這也代表人們對該公司維持其儲備金的能力充滿了信心,進而影響了 Tether 的價格預測。然而,Tether 價格的任何變化,即使是輕微的變化,都可能引發市場反應。

    市場對於 Tether 價格變化的反

    例如:脫鉤事件可能會導致 Tether 的交易量增加,因為投資者想利用機會套利,或將資產兌換為其他種穩定幣或法定貨幣。有些鏈上指標,像是交易量和代幣流通量等,都可以反映出關於市場如何應對 Tether 的價格變化。

    監管審查和 Tether 價格分析

    此外,Tether 兌美元的價格也可能會受到監管審查,以及公司儲備金透明度的影響。任何差異或不確定性都可能會導致 Tether 的價格波動。雖然偶爾會脫鉤,但 Tether 仍成功保持了其在穩定幣市場的主導地位。這代表說其底層區塊鏈技術和廣大的加密貨幣生態系都持續地支持其價值主張。


    因此,在穩定幣的穩定性和可靠性方面,關注即時的 Tether 價格、監管更新,以及市場情緒,都可以獲得有價值的資訊。透過了解那些會影響 Tether 價格的因素,您可以在加密貨幣投資中做出更明智的決策。

    是什麼讓 Tether 有價值的呢?


    USDT 已經成為數位世界中法定貨幣的重要替代品,尤其是在貨幣不穩定或資本管制嚴格的國家。由於 USDT 與美元掛鉤,因此它已經成為那些想尋求保值、執行國際交易,或是想繞過傳統銀行系統的個人的首選。


    由於與美元掛鉤,USDT 成為加密貨幣市場上價格發現的基準。它的穩定性與加密貨幣經常不穩定的性質形成鮮明的對比。這給交易員和投資者帶來了信心,尤其是那些可能對於加密貨幣波動性質抱持懷疑態度的人。


    USDT 可以為交易所和交易員提供額外的流動性。其易於兌換的特性代表說交易員可以在 USDT 和其他種加密貨幣之間快速兌換,有助於高效率的價格發現和交易執行。


    對於許多人來說,USDT 是進入加密貨幣世界的主要入口。出於監管方面的考量,許多加密貨幣交易所不允許直接進行法定貨幣與加密貨幣的交易。USDT 提供了一種解決方法,讓交易員可以先用法定貨幣購買 USDT,然後再用 USDT 去交易其他種加密貨幣。


    Tether 在去中心化金融領域中扮演的角色不容小覷。憑藉著其穩定性,USDT 已經成為各大 DeFi 平台的首選抵押品選項。它讓借貸和流動性挖礦都可以成真,成為了各種 DeFi 協議的基石。


    隨著企業對於加密貨幣的接受程度越來越高,USDT 憑藉其固有的穩定性,更是具備了在日常交易中被大規模採用的潛力,彌補了傳統金融與加密貨幣世界之間的差距。

    圍繞著 Tether 的爭議和擔憂

    雖然 TetherUSDT)是加密貨幣領域的基石,但它同時也有許多爭議和疑慮。最長久的問題之一就是關於透明度,具體來說,就是 Tether Ltd. 是否持有足夠的美元儲備金,以支援流通中的每一枚 USDT 代幣。這種擔憂甚至引起了監管部門的關注。


    2020 年時,Tether Ltd.、其附屬公司 Bitfinex,以及紐約總檢察長辦公室達成了一項具有里程碑意義的和解。有訴訟指控這些公司隱瞞了 8.5 億美元的客戶資金損失。為了解決這些指控,Tether Ltd. Bitfinex 均同意支付 1,850 萬美元的罰款,並承諾透過提供有關 Tether 儲備金的季度報告,以提高透明度。


    Tether 透過建立美元穩定的數位替代品,無可爭辯地徹底改變了加密貨幣市場。它提供了許多優勢,包含加強了市場流動性,以及提供了一個在加密貨幣極端波動期間的避風港。然而,潛在和目前的用戶都必須進行盡職調查。那些圍繞著其儲備金透明度和法律挑戰的問題都值得仔細考量。

    Tether 的相關文章

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    用戶還在查詢 泰達幣 的價格。



    什麼是 Tether(USDT)?它的價格是如何確定的?

    Tether(USDT)是一種被稱為穩定幣的加密貨幣。其價格旨在與法定貨幣(最常見的是美元)的價值掛鉤。這意味著 1 USDT = 1 美元。Tether Limited 聲稱以與流通中的 USDT 代幣 1:1 的比例持有儲備金,進而實現價格穩定。

    Tether 如何維持與美元掛鉤的匯率?

    USDT 背後的公司 Tether Limited 聲稱,每發行一枚 USDT,都會在銀行帳戶中持有對應的美元(或等值資產)儲備。透過確保擁有必要的儲備,並透過回購機制,他們的目標是維持 1:1 的掛鉤。

    為什麼 USDT 的價格有時會略高於或低於 1 美元?

    雖然 USDT 旨在維持與美元 1:1 的掛鉤,但由於市場供需情形、套利機會和市場情緒,可能會出現小幅波動。例如,2023 年 6 月,由於 Curve 3Pool 流動性失衡,Tether 的 USDT 穩定性出現小幅脫鉤。雖然當時價格跌至 0.996 美元,但當天稍晚 USDT 價格就恢復至 0.999 美元。 在加密貨幣市場劇烈波動期間,交易者可能會湧入或流出 USDT,這可能會導致與 1 美元掛鉤的短期偏差。

    Tether 與其他穩定幣有何不同?

    雖然 Tether(USDT)是最受歡迎和廣泛認可的穩定幣之一,但市場上還有其他穩定幣,如 USDC、DAI 和 PAX。它們之間的主要區別在於發行機構和透明度機制。例如,USDC 由 Circle 和 Coinbase 發行,並提供更頻繁的儲備證明。另一方面,DAI 是一種去中心化的穩定幣,由加密貨幣抵押品支援,而非法定貨幣。

    我可以直接用 USDT 兌換美元嗎?

    理論上,Tether 代幣可以透過 Tether 平台兌換成美元,但實際上,大多數用戶在加密貨幣交易所交易 USDT。請謹記,兌換政策和流程可能會發生變化,因此請務必查看官方 Tether 平台或您的交易所,以獲取最新消息。

    泰達幣 的目前價格是多少?

    泰達幣 的即時價格為 NT$33.13(USDT/TWD),目前市值為 NT$4,777,079,315,234.62 TWD。由於加密貨幣市場全天候不間斷交易,泰達幣 的價格經常波動。您可以在 Bitget 上查看 泰達幣 的市場價格及其歷史數據。

    泰達幣 的 24 小時交易量是多少?

    在最近 24 小時內,泰達幣 的交易量為 NT$1.96T。

    泰達幣 的歷史最高價是多少?

    泰達幣 的歷史最高價是 NT$40.27。這個歷史最高價是 泰達幣 自推出以來的最高價。

    我可以在 Bitget 上購買 泰達幣 嗎?

    可以,泰達幣 目前在 Bitget 的中心化交易平台上可用。如需更詳細的說明,請查看我們很有幫助的 如何購買 泰達幣 指南。

    我可以透過投資 泰達幣 獲得穩定的收入嗎?

    當然,Bitget 推出了一個 策略交易平台,其提供智能交易策略,可以自動執行您的交易,幫您賺取收益。

    我在哪裡能以最低的費用購買 泰達幣?

    Bitget提供行業領先的交易費用和市場深度,以確保交易者能够從投資中獲利。 您可通過 Bitget 交易所交易。


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    1. 登入您的 Bitget 帳戶。
    2. 如果您是 Bitget 的新用戶,請觀看我們的教學,以了解如何建立帳戶。
    3. 將滑鼠移到您的個人頭像上,點擊「未認證」,然後點擊「認證」。
    4. 選擇您簽發的國家或地區和證件類型,然後根據指示進行操作。
    5. 根據您的偏好,選擇「手機認證」或「電腦認證」。
    6. 填寫您的詳細資訊,提交身分證影本,並拍攝一張自拍照。
    7. 提交申請後,身分認證就完成了!
    加密貨幣投資(包括透過 Bitget 線上購買 泰達幣)具有市場風險。Bitget 為您提供購買 泰達幣 的簡便方式,並且盡最大努力讓用戶充分了解我們在交易所提供的每種加密貨幣。但是,我們不對您購買 泰達幣 可能產生的結果負責。此頁面和其包含的任何資訊均不代表對任何特定加密貨幣的背書認可,任何價格數據均採集自公開互聯網,不被視為來自Bitget的買賣要約。

    Bitget 觀點

    Cryptonews Official
    Cryptonews Official
    XRP defies market slump, closes in on top-three crypto spot
    Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only. XRP has surged 17% in 2025, outperforming major cryptocurrencies and edging closer to reclaiming its spot as the third-largest digital asset. XRP has been among the top-performing cryptocurrencies in 2025, defying the downward trends in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other top digital assets. In the midst of the broader crypto market downturns, XRP has surged by a whopping 17% year-to-date (YTD), the sole top-10 cryptocurrency to record net gains this year and as XRP continues its upward streak, the question on every investor’s mind is: What’s driving the rally and can it claim status as the third-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization? At the start of 2025, Bitcoin and Ethereum were expected to pace the market, but both have been unable to retain their value; Bitcoin (BTC) has dropped 6.62% YTD and Ethereum (ETH) has taken an even bigger hit, falling 38.38%. Dogecoin (DOGE) , another very popular cryptocurrency, has fallen 39% over the same period. XRP’s resilience has set it apart from the rest of the pack, gaining 17% YTD and outperforming most major digital assets. Investors holding their funds in a cryptocurrency wallet have been watching this trend closely, as XRP’s growing market activity could be a sign of a changing of the guard among leading cryptocurrencies. XRP’s market cap is now over $142 billion and earlier this month temporarily passed Tether (USDT) as the third-largest cryptocurrency. Although it is now ranked fourth, analysts estimate a 6-7% price increase would again push it past USDT, cementing its status as a top-three digital asset. One of the key catalysts for XRP’s streak has been its widening investor base. On-chain analytics firm Santiment reports that the number of XRP holders has increased by over 8% YTD, with 490,000 new investors joining the ecosystem, and this increase in adoption is a mark of growing confidence in XRP’s long-term outlook. Additionally, daily active addresses on the XRP network have spiked. XRP started the year with 56,261 active addresses, but this figure spiked to 612,340 last week. This exponential increase in network activity is an indicator of higher usage and engagement, both of which are good omens for future price action. As more investors join XRP, the network’s strength continues to increase, further setting it apart from other assets that have underperformed in 2025. XRP’s price action and adoption trends suggest that it can reclaim the third-largest crypto spot in 2025. XRP has historically been a titan within the crypto space, and recent price action suggests firm momentum. If XRP remains on its current growth trajectory and tacks on an additional 6-7% in value, it would be in a position to surpass Tether (USDT) in market capitalization once again. The possibility of an extended rally is also increased by the number of institutional players who have shown interest in XRP, which serves as another source of stability and potential upside for the asset. With its expanding holder base, increasing daily active addresses, and strong price action, XRP is well-positioned for further growth. However, as with any cryptocurrency, externalities in the form of regulatory intervention, macroeconomic trends, and overall market sentiment will play a large role in determining its future trajectory. A shift in the U.S. Federal Reserve’s monetary policy or negative legal rulings could impact XRP’s potential for further growth. Nevertheless, XRP’s strong performance in 2025 has undoubtedly made it a point of interest for retail and institutional investors alike, and its relative resilience to broader market drawdowns suggests that it may have even more room to run in the months ahead. Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.
    Cryptonews Official
    Cryptonews Official
    Telos taps Stargate, Circle and BitGo to unlock liquidity and DeFi growth
    Telos has integrated with several platforms across the crypto ecosystem as it looks to unlock cross-chain liquidity and decentralized finance opportunities. The Telos Foundation announced the expansion via X, noting that Telos now leverages the technology and solutions of Stargate, BitGo, and Circle to enhance network security, accessibility, and liquidity. Specifically, Telos is tapping into Stargate, a cross-chain liquidity protocol built on LayerZero, to enable multi-chain native asset transfers. This integration will allow users to bridge tokens between Telos and 30 other networks, opening new opportunities in a multi-chain decentralized finance ecosystem. Other integrations include with Hydra, a part of Stargate v2 to bring assets such as wrapped Bitcoin ( wBTC ), USDC ( USDC ) and Tether ( USDT ) to Telos. “By bringing high-value, widely used tokens to Telos, Hydra enhances liquidity accessibility and fosters deeper DeFi engagement,” Telos Foundation wrote. Telos’ wBTC and USDC integration is via BitGo and Circle, with the two companies among top ecosystem providers. Partnering with BitGo not only brings wBTC to Telos, but also ensures this happens with the support of a provider that can unlock liquidity for institutional access on the platform. Circle allows for a bridged version of its USDC stablecoin to go live on Telos, with this offering the option for native USDC to deploy on the Telos mainnet. According to DeFiLlama, the total value locked in DeFi protocols on Telos is currently around $16.6 million. The Telos TVL is spread across decentralized exchanges, lending protocols, real-world asset platforms and liquid staking providers among others. Telos Foundation said in the announcement that the upgrades and integrations it has secured will be crucial to the Telos blockchain’s interoperability and footprint in DeFi. “The road is now open for massive liquidity to flow into the ecosystem, making Telos a prime destination for DeFi users and developers,” it noted.
    𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙨 Trismegistus
    𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙨 Trismegistus
    Market Update 🔄 I am currently waiting on long set ups. Some alt coins have produced some nice HTF zones with fibs. [LINK, SOL, AVAX, DOGE and XRP] For entry confluence, USDT.D has a nice zone around 5.26-5.3% aligning with an unconfirmed trend line. TOTAL has a similar zone around 2.73-2.71T. This would likely align with BTC taking liquidity around $84.3K, providing a stronger opportunity to favour long set ups. TOTAL2 offers less strength for confluence, with a weaker zone around 1.02T. I will be treating longs in this area as scalps, since HTF MS remains bearish, despite an internal HTF uptrend. Furthermore, across USDT.D, TOTAL, T2 and BTC, we are currently within HTF supply, in addition to BVOL and BVOL24 indicating a powerful move soon. As always play it level by level, manage risk and be open to changing your bias. I will be playing these trades on futures only.
    Crypto News Flash
    Crypto News Flash
    Stablecoins Pose a Systemic Risk—Could They Trigger a 2008-Level Crash?
    The market capitalization of stablecoins has surged to over $230 billion, increasing by 90% since late 2023. Using stablecoin for international transactions has strengthened the US dollar as the dominant global currency. As previously mentioned in our report, the total stablecoin supply grew by $16.97 billion since the start of 2025. These digital assets increased from around $194.2 billion to $211.2 billion in circulation, reflecting growing liquidity within the crypto sector. Still, there are rising concerns that stablecoins trigger systemic risks similar to past financial crises. Stablecoin holders may rush to redeem their tokens for cash during market turmoil. This situation usually forces issuers to sell off their reserve assets, creating instability in the financial markets, similar to what occurred in 2008. At the time, the Reserve Primary Fund, a major Money-Market Fund (MMF), broke its dollar peg following exposure to Lehman Brothers’ collapsed debt. That event disrupted the global financial system due to widespread panic and a broader run on MMFs. Many market participants, including Federal Reserve Governor Lisa D. Cook, think the same risks apply to stablecoins. While speaking at a recent financial conference, Cook commented , “If a run on a large stablecoin were to occur, liquidation of the assets backing the stablecoin could be disruptive, especially if those assets were linked to other funding markets.” Lawmakers are pushing to regulate stablecoins through legislative efforts like the STABLE Act and GENIUS Act. These bills seek to regulate issuers who wish to license and back their tokens with approved assets like cash and US Treasury bills. However, critics argue that the GENIUS Act lacks key safeguards to prevent financial instability. Senator Elizabeth Warren warned that the bill would allow stablecoin issuers to invest in risky assets. Despite the increasing concerns, stablecoins have remained instrumental in reinforcing the US dollar’s dominance. As the dollar continues to expand, its impact on the financial system grows more important. Stablecoins offer benefits such as increased payment efficiency and cross-border transactions. The Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC) stablecoins serve as dollar-backed tokens. This widespread adoption enhances the dollar’s role in international trade, increasing demand for US assets. However, China has raised concerns that the US’s growing influence in cryptocurrencies could undermine its financial sovereignty. Against this backdrop, Beijing has accelerated its development of the digital yuan. China intends to reduce dependence on dollar-based stablecoins in cross-border transactions. Disruptions from traditional financial institutions also plague the stablecoin industry. Major US banks, including Bank of America, are reportedly exploring their stablecoin offerings. This comes after recent changes to regulations that permit US banks to offer stablecoin and crypto services. As featured in our recent coverage, Gold-backed stablecoins are also gaining traction. Bitcoin advocate Max Keiser believes gold-backed stablecoins would be more reliable and eventually outperform the dollar in international trade. This new competition could cause private issuers like Tether and Circle to lose market dominance. However, it could also integrate stablecoins more deeply into the mainstream financial system.
    USDT.D No trendline break (yet?) I mentioned the 23H HOB where we bounced from. Let's see the reaction at 5H HOB.


    在所有 Bitget 資產中,這8種資產的市值最接近 Tether USDt。