Copy Trading

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0)

2025-03-26 09:312466

Welcome to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool! This guide (for app version 2.52.0 and later) will help signal providers and copiers get started quickly and make the most of this new trading tool. You will learn how to publish trading signals and execute copy trades, all while enhancing your overall trading experience.


The Bitget Telegram trading signal tool is an advanced feature designed specifically for Telegram users to streamline signal publishing and copy trading.

Key features

• Multi-channel signal synchronization: Sync your signals to Bitget and various social media platforms, with support for signal text generation.

• Quick copy: Users can copy trading signals and place orders instantly with a passcode (a quick way to identify and execute trading commands).

• Real-time data analysis: With real-time analysis of trading data and signal effectiveness, you can optimize your trading strategies.

Getting started quickly

Signal providers

Step 1: Update the app to version 2.52.0 or later

Signal tools are only available on app version 2.52.0 or later. Head to Profile > About Bitget to update your app.

Step 2: Apply to become a signal provider

1. Log in to your account: Make sure you have signed up and logged into your Bitget account.

2. How to apply (any of the following):

a. Method 1: Visit the application link in the app and apply to become a signal provider .

b. Method 2: Head to the Copy section in the app and select Signal > Signal Provider Application.

3. Complete the application: Fill in the required information and submit your application.

• Note:

○ Make sure you are using the app version 2.51.0 or later.

○ You must have a non-elite trader account with no open copy trading positions.

○ Both main accounts and sub-accounts are supported.

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 0

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 1

Step 3: Bind social media accounts and groups

Bind your social media accounts to automatically sync signals to platforms like Telegram, WhatsApp, and X.


1. Settings: Log in to your account and navigate to Account Settings.

2. Bind social media accounts: Select Bind Social Media Accounts and follow the instructions to bind your accounts.

3. Bind groups: Follow the instructions to proceed. Once verification is complete and the group is bound, your signals will automatically sync to the group.

*Each Telegram account can only be bound to one Bitget account. Make sure your Telegram account is not already bound to another Bitget account.

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 2

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 3

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 4

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 5

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 6

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 7

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 8

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 9

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 10

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 11

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 12

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 13

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 14

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 15

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 16

Step 4: Publish signals

1. Create a trading signal: Configure your signal parameters.

2. Publish the signal: The system will automatically sync the signals to the bound platforms and groups.

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 17

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 18

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 19

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 20

Step 5: Manage and monitor your data

• Signal hub: View your trading signal performance, follower growth, and trading data on the signal hub page. Use your data to refine trading strategies and manage your community effectively.

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 21

Signal users

Step 1: Receive trading signals

• From social media platforms or groups

○ Follow signal providers: Join the social media platform or group of a trusted signal provider.

• Get trading signals: Look out for the latest trading signals.

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 22

Step 2: Copy the signal provider or place an order manually


1. Copy the signal text: Copy the signal text containing a passcode in the community.

2. Open the Bitget app: Ensure you are logged into your account.

3. Passcode detection:

a. Automatic detection: The app will automatically detect the passcode you copied and display the order details.

b. Manual detection: If the order details do not appear, paste the passcode into the Passcode field in the app.

4. View order details: Confirm the trading parameters (trading pair, direction, entry price, etc.).

5. Adjust the trading parameters:

a. Adjust investment amount: Enter the margin amount based on your risk appetite.

b. Adjust leverage (optional): Adjust leverage as needed.

i. Tip: Beginners should exercise caution when using high leverage to reduce risk.

6. Place an order: Once everything is confirmed, use the Place Order button to complete the trade.

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Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 24

Guide to the Bitget Telegram trading signal tool (version 1.0) image 25