
Bitget bank deposit account replacement notice

2023-12-22 10:4113305

Bitget bank deposit account replacement notice image 0

To enhance your banking experience, we are terminating the existing Banking Circle S.A. bank deposit account on December 25, 2023 (UTC+8) and introducing a new account in its place.

Replacement period: December 25 to December 27, 2023 (UTC+8).

  1. Kindly refrain from depositing into Banking Circle S.A. after December 25, 2023 (UTC+8). Under normal circumstances, all new transfer requests to Banking Circle S.A.' made after December 25, 2023 (UTC+8), will be automatically declined, and any funds involved will be promptly refunded. If you encounter any issues, please contact your banking service provider promptly for assistance.

  2. Deposit via the new bank deposit account now. Check the new account details here.

Please contact us at no later than December 27, 2023 (UTC+8) if you have any queries or concerns regarding your account.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for understanding.

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