
Buy Ethereum (ETH) via credit/debit card on Bitget

2023-05-25 09:480513

Buy Ethereum (ETH) via credit/debit card on Bitget image 0

Check out our new fiat-to-token listings on Bitget here: Buy Crypto with Credit or Debit Card

Users can now purchase BTC, USDT, BGB and ETH with the following fiat currencies in their Bitget account with a credit or debit card.
EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, USD, TRY and more. (140+ currencies)

Buy crypto via credit or debit card now!

Getting started:

Note: These features are provided on Bitget through the services of third party partners that Bitget works with from time to time, and are not provided by Bitget directly. It is important to note that transactions are conducted locally and that there is no foreign remittance of money. Please refer to our Registration Guidelines for further information.
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