Spot trading

How to use Bitget Crypto Vouchers?

2023-02-27 16:00254050

Global Bitgetters,

Make the most of your Bitget experience by mastering the usage of Bitget Crypto Vouchers. This comprehensive guide walks you through the process of utilizing these vouchers to enhance your cryptocurrency trading.

1. What are Bitget crypto vouchers?

(1) Bitget crypto vouchers are distributed in the form of coupons.

(2) Crypto vouchers will be distributed to the Coupons Center on Bitget's website and App.

2. How to search for and claim crypto vouchers?

(1) You can view crypto vouchers in the following ways:


1. Click on the profile icon in the top right corner on Bitget official website and select "Coupons Center".

2. Click “Asset” in the top right corner on Bitget official website, then click “Overview”, and then go to “Coupon”.


1. Tap the profile icon in the top left corner and tap "Coupons Center".

2. Tap “Asset” and then go to “Coupon”.

(2) After clicking “Claim” to redeem crypto vouchers, the funds will be credited to your spot account.

3. How to use crypto vouchers?

Crypto vouchers can be redeemed and credited to your spot account, transferred to your margin account or futures account and even withdrawn to your own wallet.

4. What are the restrictions on using crypto vouchers?

Crypto vouchers need to be claimed within the specified period to ensure they do not expire.

5. Disclaimers

(1) Bitget reserves the right to take disciplinary action against accounts which display malicious behavior and to recover any losses.

(2) Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of all crypto vouchers.

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