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Quickswap [New]の価格

Quickswap [New]の‌価格QUICK


Quickswap [New]に投票しましょう!


今日のQuickswap [New]の価格

Quickswap [New] の今日の現在価格は、(QUICK / JPY)あたり¥4.19 で、現在の時価総額は¥3.14B JPYです。24時間の取引量は¥958.06M JPYです。QUICKからJPYの価格はリアルタイムで更新されています。Quickswap [New] は0.15%過去24時間で変動しました。循環供給は749,955,500 です。




Quickswap [New]の利益を計算する

Quickswap [New]の価格予測




2031年には、QUICKの価格は+41.00%変動する見込みです。 2031年末には、QUICKの価格は¥13.43に達し、累積ROIは+220.34%になると予測されます。

Quickswap [New]の価格履歴(JPY)

Quickswap [New]の価格は、この1年で-70.42%を記録しました。直近1年間のJPY建てQUICKの最高値は¥14.25で、直近1年間のJPY建てQUICKの最安値は¥3.05でした。
時間価格変動率(%)価格変動率(%)最低価格対応する期間における{0}の最低価格です。最高価格 最高価格
すべての期間-83.91%¥3.05(2025-02-03, 52 日前 )¥33.87(2022-05-05, 2年前 )

Quickswap [New]の市場情報

Quickswap [New]の時価総額の履歴

Quickswap [New]を今すぐ購入する

Quickswap [New]市場

  • #
  • ペア
  • 種類
  • 価格
  • 24時間の取引量
  • 操作
  • 1
  • 現物
  • 0.02767
  • $55.53K
  • 取引
  • Quickswap [New]保有量

    Quickswap [New]の保有量分布表

  • 残高 (QUICK)
  • アドレス数
  • アドレスの割合(合計)
  • 数量と金額(QUICK|USD)
  • 通貨の割合(合計)
  • 0-1000 QUICK
  • 5.18K
  • 99.92%
  • 13.62K QUICK
  • 1.36%
  • 1000-10000 QUICK
  • 1
  • 0.02%
  • 1.08K QUICK
  • 0.11%
  • 10000-100000 QUICK
  • 2
  • 0.04%
  • 29.13K QUICK
  • 2.91%
  • 100000-1000000 QUICK
  • 1
  • 0.02%
  • 956.17K QUICK
  • 95.62%
  • 1000000-10000000 QUICK
  • 0
  • 0.00%
  • 0 QUICK
  • 0.00%
  • 10000000-100000000 QUICK
  • 0
  • 0.00%
  • 0 QUICK
  • 0.00%
  • 100000000-1000000000 QUICK
  • 0
  • 0.00%
  • 0 QUICK
  • 0.00%
  • 1000000000-10000000000 QUICK
  • 0
  • 0.00%
  • 0 QUICK
  • 0.00%
  • 10000000000-100000000000 QUICK
  • 0
  • 0.00%
  • 0 QUICK
  • 0.00%
  • >100000000000 QUICK
  • 0
  • 0.00%
  • 0 QUICK
  • 0.00%
  • Quickswap [New]の集中度別保有量


    Quickswap [New]の保有時間別アドレス


    Quickswap [New]の評価


    Quickswap [New] (QUICK)について





    1. 高速なトランザクション:Quickswapはその名の通り、クイック(すぐに、もしくは速やかに)な取引を可能にします。一部の暗号通貨とは異なり、ユーザーは取引の承認を待つ必要がありません。

    2. 限られた手数料:一部の暗号通貨とは対照的に、Quickswapは手数料を大幅に抑えることができ、結果としてユーザーはより多くの取引を行うことができます。

    3. ユーザー中心の設計:Quickswapは、ユーザー体験に焦点を当てた設計になっています。これを実現するために、Quickswapプラットフォームは直感的で使いやすくなっています。

    4. 無許可性とセキュリティ:Quickswapは、誰でも交換を開始できるオープンなプラットフォームで、これによりユーザーは容易に取引を開始できます。また、そのセキュリティも非常に高く設計されています。





    Quickswap [New](QUICK)の購入方法





    Quickswap [New]をQUICKに交換

    Quickswap [New]をQUICKに交換

    BitgetでQuickswap [New]を購入するには、様々なお支払い方法をご利用いただけます。







    Quickswap [New]のニュース

    QUICKUSDT が先物に登場
    QUICKUSDT が先物に登場

    Bitgetでは、2024年9月10日に最大レバレッジ75倍の QUICKUSDT先物の取扱いを開始しました。 公式サイト(またはBitget アプリから先物取引をお試しください。 QUICKUSDT-M無期限先物: パラメーター 詳細 上場時間 2024年9月10日17:00(UTC+8) 原資産 QUICK 決済資産 USDT ティックサイズ 0.00001 最大レバレッジ 75倍 資金調達料の決済頻度 8時間ごと 取引可能時間 24時間年中無休 市場リスクの状況により、Bitgetはティックサイズ、最大レバレッジ、維持マージン率を含むパラメーターを調整する

    Bitget Announcement2024-09-10 09:00
    Bitget現物マージンに、CHR/USDT, BAT/USDT, API3/USDT, QUICK/USDTが追加されました!
    Bitget現物マージンに、CHR/USDT, BAT/USDT, API3/USDT, QUICK/USDTが追加されました!

    Bitget現物クロスマージンと分離マージンに、CHR/USDT, BAT/USDT, API3/USDT, QUICK/USDTが追加されました。 新規上場特典:新規通貨の上場を記念して、Bitgetは現物レバレッジ割引クーポンまたは取引ボーナスをユーザーのアカウントにランダムで配布します。このクーポンを使うと、低利または利息無料でレバレッジを利用でき、取引ボーナスはマージン取引で直接ご利用いただけます。クーポンや取引ボーナスの受け取りは クーポンセンターへ。 関連リンク: 現物マージン取引ボーナスとマージン割引クーポンを活用して低コストで取引を行いましょう 免責事項 仮想通貨は、高い成長

    Bitget Announcement2024-09-10 06:54
    Quickswap [New]の最新情報


    Quickswap [New]の現在の価格はいくらですか?

    Quickswap [New]のライブ価格は¥4.19(QUICK/JPY)で、現在の時価総額は¥3,141,428,669.31 JPYです。Quickswap [New]の価値は、暗号資産市場の24時間365日休みない動きにより、頻繁に変動します。Quickswap [New]のリアルタイムでの現在価格とその履歴データは、Bitgetで閲覧可能です。

    Quickswap [New]の24時間取引量は?

    過去24時間で、Quickswap [New]の取引量は¥958.06Mです。

    Quickswap [New]の過去最高値はいくらですか?

    Quickswap [New] の過去最高値は¥33.87です。この過去最高値は、Quickswap [New]がローンチされて以来の最高値です。

    BitgetでQuickswap [New]を購入できますか?

    はい、Quickswap [New]は現在、Bitgetの取引所で利用できます。より詳細な手順については、お役立ちQuickSwapの購入方法 ガイドをご覧ください。

    Quickswap [New]に投資して安定した収入を得ることはできますか?


    Quickswap [New]を最も安く購入できるのはどこですか?


    Quickswap [New](QUICK)はどこで買えますか?

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    動画セクション - 素早く認証を終えて、素早く取引へ

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    1. Bitgetアカウントにログインします。
    2. Bitgetにまだアカウントをお持ちでない方は、アカウント作成方法のチュートリアルをご覧ください。
    3. プロフィールアイコンにカーソルを合わせ、「未認証」をクリックし、「認証する」をクリックしてください。
    4. 発行国または地域と身分証の種類を選択し、指示に従ってください。
    5. 「モバイル認証」または「PC」をご希望に応じて選択してください。
    6. 個人情報を入力し、身分証明書のコピーを提出し、自撮りで撮影してください。
    7. 申請書を提出すれば、本人確認(KYC認証)は完了です。
    Bitgetを介してオンラインでQuickswap [New]を購入することを含む暗号資産投資は、市場リスクを伴います。Bitgetでは、簡単で便利な購入方法を提供しており、取引所で提供している各暗号資産について、ユーザーに十分な情報を提供するよう努力しています。ただし、Quickswap [New]の購入によって生じる結果については、当社は責任を負いかねます。このページおよび含まれる情報は、特定の暗号資産を推奨するものではありません。



    Bitget Earn

    1 QUICK = 4.19 JPY


    Hoskinson to Cardano Critics: Where’s the Proof of “No Achievements”?
    Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson is publicly challenging a recent assertion that the blockchain solution has failed to achieve anything significant. Hoskinson responded to a post on X, directly asking whether the critic’s statement about Cardano’s supposed lack of accomplishments over the years was a fair assessment. The criticism from a crypto user appeared as a comment under a post that featured Hoskinson during his tenure as the CEO of Ethereum. Hoskinson, who was involved with Ethereum in 2014, had expressed admiration for the blockchain network at the time, famously referring to it as “Oil” in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, while positioning Bitcoin as “Gold.” Related: Charles Hoskinson Outlines Future of Cardano Network According to Hoskinson, the original Ethereum founders innovatively combined a programming language with a blockchain foundation. They then built an additional layer on top of this primary blockchain, envisioning it as an operating system for the entire cryptocurrency space. Back in 2014, Hoskinson explained that Ethereum’s primary goal was to enable developers to easily install their applications on the Ethereum blockchain with a simple, one-click process. Interestingly, Hoskinson was quick to dismiss the notion of Ethereum being simply a “Bitcoin 2.0” during the interview. Instead, he described it as the next step in a series of experiments that the cryptocurrency world had been undertaking since Bitcoin’s creation in 2009. Hoskinson viewed Ethereum as providing the missing functionalities that the cryptocurrency ecosystem lacked in 2014. Related: Hoskinson Fires Back at Critic for Demeaning the Cardano Network Hoskinson, a well-regarded figure in blockchain development, eventually departed from Ethereum and embarked on the journey of creating Cardano. He envisioned it as a more scalable and open-source platform for conducting transactions. Cardano was officially launched in 2017, following its development starting in 2015. Since their respective launches, both Cardano and Ethereum have undergone numerous transformations and upgrades. Over the years, members of both their respective crypto communities have frequently engaged in debates and discussions, often arguing about which network holds a dominant position over the other. In recent months, Cardano has found itself under increased scrutiny, particularly in the United States. This heightened attention follows the recent decision by American regulators to classify ADA, Cardano’s native cryptocurrency, as an unregistered security. In response to this regulatory pressure and the resulting criticism, Cardano’s founder has been actively defending the network and highlighting its achievements. Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for informational and educational purposes only. The article does not constitute financial advice or advice of any kind. Coin Edition is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of the utilization of content, products, or services mentioned. Readers are advised to exercise caution before taking any action related to the company.
    PARTI/USDT Market Analysis: Should You Buy, Hold, or Sell
    Current Market Performance The current price of PARTI/USDT stands at $0.3900, reflecting a 12.04% increase in the last 24 hours. The token has experienced significant price movement, reaching a 24-hour high of $0.4400 and a 24-hour low of $0.3019. Trading volume remains strong, with 216.06 million PARTI traded in the past day, translating to a total turnover of $78.51 million. Technical Indicators and Market Sentiment Several technical indicators are currently shaping the market trend for PARTI: Moving Averages (MA): MA(5): $0.3921 MA(10): $0.3928 MA(20): $0.3909 These values suggest that the price is currently consolidating around its short-term moving averages, indicating stability. Volume Trends The trading volume (VOL) is 32.46K at the latest interval, while the MA(5) and MA(10) volumes are at 52.03K and 58.77K, respectively. This shows a decline in volume after a recent peak, suggesting that buying pressure might be slowing down. Resistance and Support Levels: Strong resistance: $0.4010 (recent high) Immediate support: $0.3756 (local low) Major support: $0.3019 (24-hour low) Best Buy Zone for Investors Given the current price action and support levels, the best buy zone for PARTI/USDT appears to be around $0.375 - $0.385, where the price has found stability. A further dip to $0.35 or lower could offer an even better buying opportunity for long-term investors. Should You Hold for the Long Term? Considering the technical indicators and overall market movement, the decision to hold or exit depends on your investment strategy: Short-term Traders: If you are looking for quick gains, the $0.4010 resistance level presents a potential selling target. If the price consolidates and breaks above $0.41, it could trigger another rally. Long-term Investors: The price action suggests PARTI has potential, but it needs to break past $0.44 resistance for sustained growth. Holding PARTI for the long term is advisable only if fundamentals and project development remain strong. If the price drops below $0.35, it might signal a deeper correction. Final Verdict Buy Zone: $0.375 - $0.385 Sell Target: $0.40 - $0.44 Stop-Loss (for risk management): $0.35 For long-term holders, monitoring market trends, volume surges, and project fundamentals will be key. If PARTI can maintain a positive trajectory and surpass key resistance levels, it could be a good hold for the future. However, if selling pressure increases, it might be better to exit at profit levels before a potential downturn. $PARTI
    PARTI/USDT Market Analysis: Should You Buy, Hold, or Sell
    PARTI/USDT Market Analysis: Should You Buy, Hold, or Sell? Current Market Performance The current price of PARTI/USDT stands at $0.3900, reflecting a 12.04% increase in the last 24 hours. The token has experienced significant price movement, reaching a 24-hour high of $0.4400 and a 24-hour low of $0.3019. Trading volume remains strong, with 216.06 million PARTI traded in the past day, translating to a total turnover of $78.51 million. Technical Indicators and Market Sentiment Several technical indicators are currently shaping the market trend for PARTI: Moving Averages (MA): MA(5): $0.3921 MA(10): $0.3928 MA(20): $0.3909 These values suggest that the price is currently consolidating around its short-term moving averages, indicating stability. Volume Trends The trading volume (VOL) is 32.46K at the latest interval, while the MA(5) and MA(10) volumes are at 52.03K and 58.77K, respectively. This shows a decline in volume after a recent peak, suggesting that buying pressure might be slowing down. Resistance and Support Levels: Strong resistance: $0.4010 (recent high) Immediate support: $0.3756 (local low) Major support: $0.3019 (24-hour low) Best Buy Zone for Investors Given the current price action and support levels, the best buy zone for PARTI/USDT appears to be around $0.375 - $0.385, where the price has found stability. A further dip to $0.35 or lower could offer an even better buying opportunity for long-term investors. Should You Hold for the Long Term? Considering the technical indicators and overall market movement, the decision to hold or exit depends on your investment strategy: Short-term Traders: If you are looking for quick gains, the $0.4010 resistance level presents a potential selling target. If the price consolidates and breaks above $0.41, it could trigger another rally. Long-term Investors: The price action suggests PARTI has potential, but it needs to break past $0.44 resistance for sustained growth. Holding PARTI for the long term is advisable only if fundamentals and project development remain strong. If the price drops below $0.35, it might signal a deeper correction. Final Verdict Buy Zone: $0.375 - $0.385 Sell Target: $0.40 - $0.44 Stop-Loss (for risk management): $0.35 For long-term holders, monitoring market trends, volume surges, and project fundamentals will be key. If PARTI can maintain a positive trajectory and surpass key resistance levels, it could be a good hold for the future. However, if selling pressure increases, it might be better to exit at profit levels before a potential downturn. $PARTI
    Trading $PARTI: Insights, Strategies, and Next Steps for Investors
    Introduction Trading cryptocurrencies requires a strategic approach, and $PARTI is no exception. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, understanding market trends, liquidity, risk management, and future trading opportunities can give you an edge. This guide provides deep insights into trading $PARTI on Bitget, covering trading strategies, price action analysis, and what’s next for this emerging token. --- Trading Experience on Bitget: Understanding $PARTI’s Market Dynamics 1. Liquidity & Market Depth Liquidity plays a crucial role in trading any asset. High liquidity ensures smooth transactions, tight bid-ask spreads, and minimal slippage. Liquidity Indicators for $PARTI on Bitget Daily trading volume Order book depth (buy/sell wall analysis) Spread between bid and ask prices Availability of market makers supporting $PARTI A liquid market means traders can enter and exit positions with ease, while a low-liquidity market might result in unexpected price fluctuations. 2. Volatility & Price Behavior $PARTI, like many emerging cryptocurrencies, can experience high volatility. Understanding volatility patterns can help traders make better decisions. High volatility periods: Opportunities for short-term gains, but with increased risk. Low volatility periods: Indicate potential accumulation zones before a major price move. Traders should monitor $PARTI’s volatility index, Bollinger Bands, and historical price swings to time their trades effectively. --- Best Trading Strategies for $PARTI 1. Scalping & Day Trading (For Short-Term Traders) If $PARTI has high liquidity and volatility, scalping and day trading can be effective. Key Techniques: Use the 5-minute or 15-minute chart to capture quick moves. Identify breakouts from key support/resistance levels. Look for volume spikes to confirm momentum. Apply tight stop-losses to protect profits. Example Strategy: EMA Crossover + RSI Confirmation Entry Signal: When the 9-day EMA crosses above the 21-day EMA and RSI is above 50. Exit Signal: When the RSI reaches overbought territory (above 70) or if the EMA crosses downward. 2. Swing Trading (For Medium-Term Traders) Swing trading focuses on capitalizing on larger price movements over days or weeks. How to Swing Trade $PARTI: Identify strong support zones to buy and resistance zones to sell. Use Fibonacci retracement levels to time entries and exits. Follow MACD crossovers for trend confirmation. Example Setup: Fibonacci Retracement + MACD Buy Zone: Near the 0.618 Fibonacci retracement level if MACD shows bullish crossover. Sell Zone: Near the 1.272 or 1.618 Fibonacci extension levels. 3. Long-Term Holding (HODLing) For investors who believe in $PARTI’s future, HODLing (holding for long-term gains) is a viable strategy. Key Considerations for Long-Term Holding: Fundamental Analysis: Research $PARTI’s use case, partnerships, and ecosystem growth. Tokenomics: Check for inflationary or deflationary mechanisms affecting supply. Market Trends: Follow macro trends in the crypto industry that could impact $PARTI. Portfolio Strategy for Long-Term Holders Allocate 20-30% of your portfolio to $PARTI if it aligns with your risk appetite. Consider staking (if available) to earn passive income while holding. Periodically rebalance holdings based on market conditions. --- Risk Management Tips for Trading $PARTI Trading any crypto asset comes with risks. Managing those risks effectively can prevent unnecessary losses. 1. Use Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Orders Set a stop-loss to limit potential downside. Example: If buying at $0.10, place a stop-loss at $0.085 to limit losses. Use a trailing stop-loss to lock in profits during strong price moves. 2. Position Sizing & Risk-Reward Ratio Never risk more than 2-5% of your trading capital on a single trade. Aim for a risk-reward ratio of at least 1:2 (risking $1 to make $2). 3. Avoid Over-Leveraging Leverage can amplify profits but also increase liquidation risks. Beginners should stick to low leverage (1x-3x) to minimize risk exposure. --- Future Trading Plans & Growth Potential of $PARTI Upcoming Catalysts That Could Influence $PARTI’s Price Exchange Listings: New exchange listings can bring in fresh liquidity and demand. Project Developments: Upcoming partnerships, mainnet upgrades, or staking features. Market Trends: Growth in the DeFi, NFT, or Web3 sectors (if relevant to $PARTI’s use case). What Should Traders Watch for in the Next Trading Cycle? Breakouts above key resistance levels (e.g., all-time highs or major psychological price levels). Volume surges indicating institutional interest or whale activity. Bitcoin’s market movements since altcoins like $PARTI often follow BTC trends. --- Final Thoughts: How Should You Trade $PARTI? Trading $PARTI successfully requires a mix of technical analysis, market awareness, and disciplined risk management. Short-term traders should focus on scalping and swing trading opportunities with clear entry/exit strategies. Long-term investors should evaluate $PARTI’s fundamentals and hold with a strategic allocation. Risk management should always be a priority to prevent large losses. By staying informed and adapting to market conditions, traders can maximize their opportunities while minimizing risks. $PARTI
    PARTI to $1 by April? My Quick Take $PARTI #PARTIPricePrediction Hey Bitget crew! PARTI’s up with +35% volume in 24h . I see $1 if it breaks 0.85 resistance. My play: buy at 0.80, TP at 1.05. Event hype or real trend? What’s your call? Drop your predictions or charts below!


    すべてのBitget資産の中で、時価総額がQuickswap [New]に最も近いのはこれらの8資産です。